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Generate leads. Show success. Build Trust.

The average media executives sees 10 to 12 pieces of information before taking an action. We can help you develop and send the information your prospects use to make decisions and send it to them.

1. Develop client case studies, news, and best practices

2. Generate leads & engage prospects

3. Distribute to a network of publishers and media executives

0 Technology platforms reviewed

0 B2B Tech User Reviews captured

0 Case studies published

0 Back-links Created

Top influencers for B2B purchases of technology platforms

Five to ten people inside companies are involved in making technology purchase decisions using 13 or more sources of information. Who are they are what are their top concerns? We work with your team to learn your customers' perspective and use buyer personas to drive the marketing strategy.

Our Skills

Most important influencer: Product demos


2nd most important influence on tech purchases: Case studies and testimonials


Influenced by: Vendor website and content


Research on: Desktop instead of device


Obstacle to tech purchases for CMO's: Budgets


Obstacles to tech purchases for VP's & directors: Difficulty of implementation


Obstacle to tech purchases for publishers: Time



We are passionate about helping journalism-based media connect with the best ideas and technology partnerships they can use to grow revenues and audiences.

We guarantee your content plan will...

Educate prospects about your value proposition.

Empower your website to sell passive searchers.

Warm-up leads by creating multiple non-human touch points with potential clients.

Generate direct leads and prospects for your CRM at scale.

Build SEO quality scores.

Obtain a 3 to 10x higher CTR rate than advertising.

Make a critical difference on the customer`s final decision whether or not to buy.

Support conference presentations.

Teach customers strategies to sell more of what you do.

Accumulate a learning center that becomes a product differentiator.

This makes total sense because...

We get how to do this.

Expert writers understand what media are  thinking about and why they buy.

You can fill gaps in your company top notch talent, and without an FTE.

The distribution network  is huge.

Publishing alongside trusted content on LocalMediaInsider adds credibility.

Your prospect and email list will build faster.

Your content plan is customized with brilliant ideas unique to your company.

SEO and SEM benefits and skills are “on the house”.

You are impressed by stellar references.

It is easier to get a case studiy.

The CEO, Alisa Cromer, will always be your contact, project manager and marketing guru.

The team also includes copy-editors and subject matter experts.   Meet them here.

Put our team on your team

If your marketing is working great already, awesome! You can use our team to fill-in gaps in expertise without adding positions. Let's talk it through so we can play on your

White Papers

Case studies/testimonials

Press releases

Product Demo Reviews

Conference Strategy

Better newletters

SEO, SEM & Back-links

Lead generation strategy


Website Reviews

Email list-building

Targeted online ads

LinkedIn strategy

Content library

Read more about our latest news posts and be informed. We understand the success secrets of the world's most successful business companies.

What is the right frequency for a company B2B newsletter?

For technology companies sending to media, ad agency executives and/or brands,  a good rule of thumb is that frequency of B2B marketing emails  should […]

The best times for SaaS marketers to e-mail a newsletter to media execs

Recently the VP of a B2B  technology developer asked us when is the best time to send an email newsletter to media executives.  The […]

Getting to know premium mobile units, mobile voice search

Mobile-specific ad units “are experiencing a huge uptick in popularity,” according to Aimee Eickley, of Times Shamrock digital media group.  Created on Impact Engine´s […]

WeHaa signs The Washington Post, builds

The Washington Post has selected WeeHaa, a leading developer of promotional platforms for automotive and real estate industries, to relaunch its  Previously, […]


“With just minutes on the phone Techrefs was able to diagnosis a better keyword strategy. We’ve worked with this company both case studies and scripting. The case studies and webinars have always been at a high level.”
- Brian Gorman, iPublish Media - CEO Incubator

“Our company uses anonymous case studies to help us train clients and sell prospects, but we were unable to secure real customers names and data. TechRefs designed a contest that both rewarded our top customers, built enough real case studies to create a webinar with our customers vouching for our software. Plus they helped promote it using their lists.”
Brock Berry , AdCellerant. - PR Manager

Have a project or a question? Let’s talk!

Contact form 7 Mailchimp extension by Renzo Johnson - Web Developer