TechRefs  is is a division of NewMediaHub, publsisher of d LocalMediaInsider, a case study-based online  trade journal for revenue-side media executives, since 2010.  The company was founded by veteran publisher Alisa Cromer, a former owner and COO of  weekly newspaper groups for two decades before delving into the art, science and data on media transformation. 

 LocalMediaInisder  pioneered the case study-based model for an online only  publication that provides  real world strategies and tactics to grow audiences and revenues using newly available technology and emerging concepts.  

Today,  numerous technology companies have invested million in providing solutions for local media and have been widely acknowledged as the R&D partners for the industry. 

TechRefs  is designed to support them with affordable ways to deliver actionable value propositions, metrics and stratgies to the right media executives who need this information. 

We are a tight group that was worked together for years to grow and segment the audience of local media executives, and to have an impact on the industry. Local media executives look forward to Media Tech Reports, and  technologies clients have built  lead generating systems, including organic increases in high quality form-fills  of 200 to 300 percent using our strategies. 


Alisa Cromer,

Founder, NewMediaHub