Content that works

How content powers growth (and why case studies have super powers)

For media technology companies, how you tell your story has never been more important. Media need to be educated about emerging opportunities, and they are listening.  Let us help you make the case for your value proposition, create multiple non-human contacts, build a learning center that becomes a competitive differentiator, and yes, find more case studies!  Sales needs case studies to prove ROI, media conferences ask for them, and  you can mine these for “best practices”. Finally,  clients in your case studies are the ones who wil co-host webinars and speak at conferences on your behalf.  Your partnership with TechRefs helps you build capacity in stages, starting with a great  case study, then layering in best practices, blogs, secondary market case studies, client recognitions programs that accumulate into a learning center. Your content is published on your site, and/or Click here to choose a content marketing package. 


Content marketing

Case studies

Best practices

Backlink strategies



Press releases

Customer Personas

Sign up to use the Persona Machine.  Of course,  we want your email,  and your free private account allows you to build, edit, archive and share colorful one page personas for every job title and vertical needed.  Win, win, win.  Share customer personas with new sales people, graphic designers, web developers and others in the company who need to understand your customers key motivators and objections.

Client Case Studies

Case studies are the  #1 source of information influencing purchases of technology by c-level executives, tied only by product demos, and they can make your product demos even better. We recommend two client case studies per product/vertical written by a third party. When you select TechRefs, we will write the kind of case studies that clients want to share and other media executive would actually pay for. Case studies are promoted as branded content on credible media, including  LocalMediaInsider when applicable. Many of our customers have never been able to obtain case studies that include client names without our participation.

Why are case studies so important? Not only can they determine a purchase decision,  they also promote the viability of your business model industrywide, ramp up conference pitches and help train existing customers in real world strategies.  

Press Releases

Press releases announcing new clients, product releases, rounds of funding and key executives keep your name top of mind and SEO scores high. Unfortunately most press releases are never read by either the industry nor the trade press. We know exactly how to tweak a press release  to catch the attention of both media executives  in the discovery phase and also the media press by including key numbers  on one hand, and cutting edge industry context on the other. We keep the data from openers to build lists of who in the industry is interested in the subject line/topic, and thus moving further into the prospect funnel for  your company.  Backlinks from two credible media sites guaranteed.

Client-based webinars

Once momentum is building, we help produce and promote a 45 minute webinar with a successful formula that includes two clients presenting their own success using your company’s platform. These webinars are proven lead generators, and allow time for questions and a mini-demo. When you partner with LocalMediaInsider, co-promoted webinars using this plan  have 25 to 65  vp to c-level attendees with an 80% attendance rate.

Top Ads and Best of Local Media Awards

Co-sponsoring one of LocalMediaInsider´s media recognition programs allows you to nominate your customers for awards like Top Ads and Best of Local Media Awards. Some clients run a series of eight to ten nominees in their category, which helps build a robust library of end user case studies, and turns clients into advocates. Your company can also co-host the Awards Banquet where winning customers are invited to present.

Press Releases

We use case studies, award programs and interviews to  build real world information from from clients for lists of best practices.  Authenticated Best Practices are always in demand. Use them as prompts for lead generation forms, or in the learning center as part of your company’s training and a key differentiator.

Learning Centers

As your company builds capacity well show you how to turn your library of evergreen case studies, best practices, webinars and  end user examples into a learning center on your website. Learning centers keep your customers engaged with using your platform and are a key differentiator when selling new prospects: Part of the after-market service is training on best tactics and strategies shared by other customers. Finally, public facing areas of the learning center  are persuasive to prospects researching the technology for the first time.  Almost 50% of all buying influencers said that the website was a persuasive factor with purchasing a new technology platform, and CTO´s say ‘ease of use’ by their internal constituencies was a top factor in making their own decisions.

What can we do to help?

Let´s do this! Join the PR club HERE. Need a custom quote? Just contact us at, 408.892.9815 or leave a message below

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