
We are passionate about helping journalism-based media connect with the best ideas and technology partnerships they can use to grow revenues and audiences.

We guarantee your content plan will...

Educate prospects about your value proposition.

Empower your website to sell passive searchers.

Warm-up leads by creating multiple non-human touch points with potential clients.

Generate direct leads and prospects for your CRM at scale.

Build SEO quality scores.

Obtain a 3 to 10x higher CTR rate than advertising.

Make a critical difference on the customer`s final decision whether or not to buy.

Support conference presentations.

Teach customers strategies to sell more of what you do.

Accumulate a learning center that becomes a product differentiator.

This makes total sense because...

We get how to do this.

Expert writers understand what media are  thinking about and why they buy.

You can fill gaps in your company top notch talent, and without an FTE.

The distribution network  is huge.

Publishing alongside trusted content on LocalMediaInsider adds credibility.

Your prospect and email list will build faster.

Your content plan is customized with brilliant ideas unique to your company.

SEO and SEM benefits and skills are “on the house”.

You are impressed by stellar references.

It is easier to get a case studiy.

The CEO, Alisa Cromer, will always be your contact, project manager and marketing guru.

The team also includes copy-editors and subject matter experts.   Meet them here.