Best of Local Media and TOP ADS 2018 are looking for SAAS partners

Client cases studies  are so powerful that SAAS companies should have one for  each vertical and/or product.  But they are also often hard to obtain. Few digital agencies or media companies want to promote their white label partners. In fact, they typically don’t want their end users to know about the partnerships at all.

So how do they speak to the industry, but not the end user?

One powerful way to acquire case studies and street credibility is to partner with LocalMediaInsider´s  awards programs.

Media clients  enjoy the prestige of the nomination and possible win;  the case study is written by professional journalists at the credible trade press, and the award itself can be used to brand the media company as not only digital savvy, but also a national winner in their area.

Trade association also have contests, but these are often insular at worst, or cliquey at best, since winners are only chosen from members.

Best of Local Media Awards, on the other hand, is inclusive and has no entry fee, helping make the awards central to the industry overall.

They rely on a board of industry experts and relationships with SAAS platforms nominating their most successful clients, to create a more definitive result.

Another popular program LocalMediaInsider  produces Top ADs, designed to reward local media for creating great campaigns for local businesses. Every nominee is written up, promoted and categorized in LocalMediaInsider´s industry category list, an archived list of successful ideas for local reps to tap into when calling on small business clients.

Again,  white label platforms can recognize their resellers by sponsoring a  category  (Top Ads programmatic, Top Ads Automotive), and nominating  end user campaigns they already know are most successful,  via their own analytics.

The media resellers, of course, have to agree, but it is a win/win for everyone. Reseller agency and media, and their  sales reps and  customers,  can add award decals to professional credentials and  websites. The SAAS company achieves branding and links to case studies from a credible media source.

Here’s how it works:

  • The SAAS sponsor nominates several outstanding campaigns created by an agency or media company using their platform.
  • A journalist contacts the nominees and writes them up. These case studies are published weekly in LocalMediaInsider and distributed by email.
  • At the end of the year, all the Top Ad winners are announced and invited to attend a virtual Awards banquet.
  • The sponsors logo and value proposition are mentioned in all the emails, and they cohost the banquet. The cost is per nominee.

For more information on sponsoring either Best of Local Media or Top ADs in 2018, please contact

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