Meet Your New PR &
Content Marketing Team

Generate leads. Show success. Build trust.

Companies purchasing technology platforms are as influenced by vendor content (29%) as by third party information sources.  Join the PR club to send releases and/or  select a  content marketing package that accelerates sales. 

Better ideas and more distribution

“TechRefs has been invaluable to creating high impact case studies, blogs and now a new learning center as we scale up how our self serve advertising company reaches the media industry. We also use their distribution network, which has proven to reach exactly the right audiences at scale. What really stands out is how they share who is reading, so we absolutely know it is our client and prospect base.”

Brian Gorman – Co-Founder, iPublish Media

What We Do For You

Already have a marketing department? No problem. Join the PR club to gain extra distribution.   Need some help writing and creating a content marketing schedule?  We can act as your part time PR or marketing department. Put us on your team!

PR Club
Educate the media about your value proposition
MonthlyStart Now
Already writing press releases and news items? Guaranteed coverage and distribution monthly.
Monthly news featured as a story in Media Tech Reporter newsletter
Reach an audience of 31,000 revenue-side media executives monthly
Posted on LinkedIn and read by another 200 to 300 executives
Published on LocalMediaInsider for more coverage and back-links
TechRefs picks up the story
Update your news on MediaExecsTech
PR Department
Raise confidence in the brand with case studies and partnership announcements
MonthlyStart Now
Write and exclusively send and publish professional PR and more
Everything from the PR Club package
Write 7 case studies, press releases and more each year
Send your press releases exclusively to the media press
Direct contact with three key media press journalists and editors
Exclusive publication and backlinks from LocalMediaInsider
Shared list of readers from opted-in click-throughs
Exclusive mailing for case studies
Turnkey Content Marketing
Build an email list of interested media executives
MonthlyStart Now
How we do it
Everything rom the PR Club and PR Department plus...
Custom content marketing plan
Multiple content items per month
LinkedIn strategy set-up
Participation in team Meetings
SEO and SEM review
Lead generation plans
Product demo review

How We Deliver Results

White papers

White papers are one of the top ways that industry executives “keep up to date” on new technology options in the pre-search phase. We’ve  written white papers that media executives pay to see. A great white paper that gives critical statistics and speeds up the learning curve can also be a key lead generator.

Case studies

More than half of marketing technology purchasers said that case studies/testimonials were the most influential source of information on their purchase decision. It’s also a top request from prospects to the sales rep: Who else is using this? Do you have a reference. Finally, case studies with specific results are one of the top three lead generators.  We have an award-winning format for case studies that media executives paid to access, and which create a win/win for your customers that turns them into advocates.

Press releases

Press releases are an important part of the media mix. We  look for a “news hook” that trade journals will be interested in, and curate the right distribution sources.


The company blog can accomplish a number of important tasks: Update your team and customers about new product developments, customers and other successes. Provide tips and useable expertise learned along the journey. Show how your platform works with partners.  Compare results with competitive options.  Announce conference attendance and speaking engagements. We work on your team to create a flexible blog schedule, and post across social media.

Best practices

Best practices is another core competency for your content plan. General best practice lists show how your platform solves a problem. Customer best practices are even more critical:   No matter how great the technology is, it’s value is created when customers use it successfully.  A list of “best practices” from your most successful customers is always in demand.

Product demo reviews

Product demos are the #1 most influence source of information for buyers. But too often they are only “so-so.”  We’ve studied what makes product demos interactive and persuasive versus one-sided and “going nowhere.”

Customer personas

Need help building out your customer personas? Let us work with your sales teams on virtual brainstorming team meetings to come up with a full set, on useable one sheets with an “image” of your “real” buyer. It’s not only fun, but critical to help craft content and ads, and select the right criteria.

Testimonial Title

Testimonial Message

John Doe – CEO, Startup & Co.

Are you ready to get started with your new marketing team?

Don’t wait – we will take care of your PR & content marketing for you with our custom monthly packages. You just need to pick how much help you want from us.

PR Club
Educate the media about your value proposition
MonthlyStart Now
How we do it
Your news features in MediaTechReporter
Reach of 3,000 media executives
More reach on LinkedIn (average 251 reads)
Publication and backlinks on LocalMediaINsider
Coverage by TechRefs
PR Department
Raise confidence in the brand with case studies and partnership announcements
MonthlyStart Now
How we do it
You get everything from the PR Club pack! & in addition...
We write 4 press releases for you per year
We'll publish you in LocalMediaInsider and send it to media press
We will craft your marketing messaging for you
We'll phone and email pitches for you to 3 top outfits
Turnkey Content Marketing
Build an email list of interested media executives
MonthlyStart Now
How we do it
You get everything from the PR Club & PR Department packs! & in addition...
Meetings as a member on your team
Custom plan includes multiple content pieces monthly
AdWords and SEM strategies
LinkedIn reviews
Develop your own Newsletter & Client Learning Center
Entries to awards contests
Unlimited marketing feedback

Have any questions before you sign up?