DIY advertising on iPublish software passes $1 billion

Boston, Massachusetts, November 2017 iPublish Media announced that it has passed the $1 billion mark in processing revenues since its founding 11 years ago, and will process close to $200 million dollars in revenue through its self-serve platforms this year alone.

“Self-serve is increasingly critical to local media companies as they reduce cost structure while maintaining or growing market share,” said Brian Gorman, president, in an interview with LocalMediaInsider last week.

“With consumer purchasing moving online, self-serve is increasingly an end-user preference as well.”

Other key benchmarks achieved by iPublish Media this year include:

• More than 500 media websites are currently using the platform

• 650,000 registered users place ads

• Double digit growth of new registered users

An industry leading self-service platform, iPublish Media software automates DIY production of print creative ads, online ads, multi-format programmatic ads and Facebook purchasing.

“Our team has worked very hard to make our platform flexible and easy to use across all verticals thus making it one of the top self-service solutions,” stated Brian Gorman, Vice-President of Sales and co-founder.

The platform has been especially effective in allowing media to stay competitive and introduce new products at competitive rates that would otherwise be too labor intensive to maintain profitably.

“The newspaper advertising landscape has changed drastically. A future of lower print revenue and tighter operational costs has driven the need for new revenue from new sources,” he said.

“Our customers have found that self-service advertising has helped to bring in new revenue and lower operational costs.”

The company is now leading cutting edge solutions for specific verticals, such as real estate to purchase complete multi-media packages at competitive rates.

iPublish Media Solutions LLC celebrated its 11th year in business on October 16th.

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